Wednesday, November 7, 2012

eat this, not that

Foods with Calorie Listing Under 40 Calories

  1. 1 radish = 1 calorie 
  2. 1 cauliflower floret = 3 calories 
  3. 1 strawberry = 4 calories
  4. 1 scallion = 5 calories 
  5. cup of spinach = 7 calories 
  6. 1 dill pickle = 8 calories
  7. 1 cup of romaine lettuce = 10 calories
  8. 4 asparagus spears, cooked = 12 calories 
  9. 1 cup of diced cucumbers = 14 calories
  10. 1 cup of raw mushrooms = 15 calories 
  11. 1 lemon = 16 calories 
  12. 1 apricot = 17 calories
  13. 1 cup of summer squash = 18 calories 
  14. 1 cup of cabbage = 19 calories 
  15. 1 egg white = 20 calories 
  16. 1 tomato = 22 calories 
  17. 1/2 cup of sugar free gelatin = 25 calories 
  18. 1 plum = 27 calories
  19. 1 star fruit = 29 calories 
  20. 1 carrot (large) = 30 calories
  21. 1 cup of air popped popcorn = 31 calories 
  22. 1/2 cup of cooked snow peas = 34 calories
  23. 10 grapes = 35 calories 
  24. 1/2 apple = 35 calories 
  25. 1 peach = 38 calories 
  26. 1/2 grapefruit = 39 calories 
  27. 1 cup green beans = 40 calories 
  28. 1 cup of tomato juice = 40 calories

info from

Limiting what you eat at home & out

At home..
1. Stop eating pasta! It will bloat you and retain more water. Wheat expands in the stomach, resulting in you feeling hungry faster. Take cereal as an example if you let it sit in milk, or noodles when you cook them.
2. I personally love orange juice, but looking at the nutrition facts, there's more calories than you need. Tropicana came out with juice that's 50 calories per 8 fl oz. Orange juice is an example and Blueberry Pomegranate is delicious!
3.   5 calorie, sugar free jello. Cheap and good tasting.  
4.  Turn to fruit and veggies. I'm not a big veggie person so I cut up fruit and put it in the freezer for the next day, which is a GREAT snack.

At a restaurant..
When eating out, calories are instantly doubled, if not tripled!
what i do is...
1. Drink tons of water. This will leave less room in your stomach for that high calorie meal!
fun fact: drinking 8 cups of water each day burns 100 calories and boots your metabolism.
2. Push 1/2 of your meal to the side and ask the waiter to box it up, or ask them from the beginning. Resulting in dinner for tomorrow! 
3. Think about what you ate last time you went out (Chinese, hamburgers, fries) ..maybe you should have a salad or some lean grilled chicken.
Oftentimes salads at restaurants are some of the worst entrees on the menu!Avoid salads with fried chicken, lots of cheese, and ALWAYS ask for dressing on the side. Never get Ranch or Thousand Island dressing, unless you don't mind the calories.
5. Skip the dessert.
6. Look up the nutrition facts beforehand
7. Look for foods that are "grilled", "baked", "broiled" avoid fried, breaded, sauteed, creamy
8. Split an entree with a friend or order from appetizer/kids menu to downsize portions
9. Watch the condiments! most have a lot of fat, sugar, and/or calories
10.Look for dishes with vegetables or lean meats as the main parts
11. Water instead of soda
12. Order a side of salad instead of fries

12 Delicious & Healthy snacks Under 100 Calories

Tea's and their Benefits

green: boosts metabolism 

white tea: prevents cancer

chamomile : fights diabetes 

hibiscus : lowers blood pressure

black : protects lungs 

oolong : lowers cholesterol 

green tea benefits:

  • makes your metabolism faster
  • relax's & slows heart rate
  • helps burn fat
  • no calories
  • keeps your energy levels stable by balancing sugar levels

May Issue of Cosmopolitan: 9 Foods That Melt Away Flab!

1. Eggs
Vitamin B12in the yolk helps your body torch fat. Plus, they are super filling and starve off binges.
2. Peanut Butter
Creamy or chunky, it’s a source of magnesium, which powers cells to metabolize energy. efficiently.
3. Avocado
It’s high in craving-quelling “good” fat and rich in L-carnitine, an amino acid that fires up your body’s engine.
4. Sirloin Burger
Made with 90% lean beaf, it’s like pure protein, which takes more energy to digest than fat or carbs.
5. Cheese
Conjugated linoleic acid in dairy helps your body burn fat. Go with a tangy, creamy kind that satisfies your palate.  
6. Pickles
A medium pickle is only 7 calories - you’ll burn more energy digesting this salty, crunchy veggie.
7. Green Tea
It’s teeming with catechins, antioxidants that studies show destroy body fat. Plus, caffeine gives your system a metabolic jump.
8. Yogurt
Regular and low-fat kinds have probiotics, bacteria that may reduce the amount of fat that your body absorbs.
9. Quinoa
Because your body works hard digesting this protein-packed whole grain, you burn off extra calories. 

Berry Benefits

reasons to eat fruit

who knew fruit does so much ?

Height/Weight Chart

HeightHealthy15% Under25% Under35% Under

"pro-ana" Weight Loss Techniques

-Drink lots of water! It fills you up fast and is good for clearing your body of toxins and hydrating your skin. 

-Drink cold drinks/water. For your body to maintain homeostasis (the same temperature), it burns more calories drying to heat the water. 

-Sit up straight and walk straight. You burn 10 calories every hour for doing this. 

-Split up a single serving into three or four seperate parts and eat one part at your meal. Therefore you are only eating one serving yet it serves as three/four. 

-When your hungry or feeling hunger pains, boil water with one or two bullion cubes. The warm water will help your stomach feel better and the bullion helps restore the decreased sodium intake in your body. (Bullion only contains 10-15 calories per cube)

 -If you're going to drink diet soda, drink quickly in large gulps. This will help fill you up faster and prevent hunger pains 

-Chew ice cubes if you feel hungry

 -Most people just want the taste of food, so chew the food you want and spit it out. Don't swallow the food!

-Drink a glass of water every hour. It helps your stomach feel full.

-When fasting, suck on low calorie candies or mints. It will help supress hunger (peppermints mostly) and keep your mouth busy.

-When you eat, set your fork down in between bites

-Chew slowly, it takes thirty minutes for your stomach to realize its full

-Excerise in the morning when you HAVEN'T eaten. You'll start burning fat and calories instantly. If you wait till later in the day it takes 10-20 minutes of excersize to start burning fat

-While watching television, do crunches during the commercial, NOT situps. Situps make your stomach larger with muscle while crunches tone your abs.

-Lower the tempeture in your house 10 degrees lower than what you are used to. It will make your body burn more calories to maintain homeostasis.

-Eat around 7-9 AM. That is when your metabolism is fastest

-Building muscle helps increase metabolism

-Drink tea when you're hungry. It fills you up and calms your stomach. Also, green tea boosts metabolism

-Chewing gum can increase hunger, but it helps keep your mouth busy

-Don't eat after 7 PM. You're metabolism is at its slowest

-Don't eat 3 hours before bed. The food can keep you semi-awake.

-Get at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night. For every hour that you miss of sleep, your apetite is increased by 10%

-Eat on a navy blue or black plate. It helps you eat less

-Eat on small plates, so if it is filled with food, your mind sees a full plate

-Go shopping after eating, grocery shopping after eating helps you buy less

-Sleep when you get a craving. When you wake up, you'll most likely no longer crave that food.

Get full, fast.

1)      Swallow two tablespoons of vinegar before each meal – You may not know it, but vinegar is designed to slow your metabolism. Gulp down two tablespoons before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and you’ll be full in no time. You simply won’t want to eat a lot. This is a top tip.
2)      Drink coffee regularly – Caffeine is one of the quickest and best ways to speed up your metabolism. If you drink at least three to five cups of coffee at day, you’ll find that you’re keeping your metabolism moving at an alarmingly high rate. As long as you don’t increase your caloric intake because of it, weight loss results will come fast. Remember that cream has excessive amounts of fat in it. Ladies on the pro ana  diets drink coffee black.
3)      Cut your food up – Several small pieces of food will digest much faster than one large piece. Imagine if you cooked a piece of meat, one big piece cooks much slower than several small pieces. Your metabolism works the same way can break your food down much faster when it’s cut up into much smaller pieces.
4)      Drink water instead of eating –  remember that water is a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking it will fill you up quickly, with a lack of calories and a full stomach, the end result is weight loss. If you’re looking to speed the process up a bit, drink ice cold water, since your body will have to work a bit harder to raise your body temperature.

2468 Diet - 10lbs per month

Not many have heard about the 2468 diet because most think it's too risky... but hear me out before you judge. 

There's a diet, commonly called 2468 where you eat 200 calories one day, 400 calories the next, 600 after that, and 800 for the last day, then the cycle repeats. 

The diet is used by most people who want to loose weight fast and who want to keep it off. The purpose of it is to keep your metabolism guessing because all it knows is what was consumed the day before and doesn't know what the future holds. 

Of course, like every other diet exercise must still be included. On average a person who abides by 2468 should loose 10 lbs per month. 

;Ok, so I think it is pretty obvious that when you restrict or fast your metabolism will tank. This is because your body thinks it is starving, doesn’t know when it will see food again, and hordes the few calories that you allow down your gullet. Therefore, mixing up your calorie intake will keep your body on its toes and not let your metabolic rate get too low. For that reason, I recommend the 2-4-6-8 diet or some variation of it. This plan takes 5 days to cycle through and looks something like this:

Day 1: 200 calorie intake
Day 2: 400 calorie intake
Day 3: 600 calorie intake
Day 4: 800 calorie intake
Day 5: 0 calorie intake (fast)
Some people do a 600-calorie maximum, and some do not fast. Taking the max from 800 to 600 will make your average metabolic rate lower, and cutting out the fast will not allow you to fully capitalize on the heightened metabolic rate that you’ll have after consuming 800 calories the previous day. Therefore, the standard 2-4-6-8 probably works the best. Some people even fast for 2 days at the end.

If you are trying to restrict, your maximum daily caloric intake should be 1000 or less.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fasting 101


In general, fasts should be conducted for no longer than 28 days, with most fasts 21 days or less. Long fats (for more than 42 days), are both unnecessary, and potentially dangeroud. A prolonged fast, for more than 2-3 months, is called Starvation! Although most of the 'miraculous' benefits of fasting do result from 3-5 days or more but 7-14 days, that's "healing". Although days 1-7 are quite benefitial to be sure, days 7-14 are truly tremendous, with the benefits from days 14-21 becoming extreme. Days 21-28 are nothing than a complete regeneration of the body. Literally erasing years of aging. (Where the true "Miracles of fasting" take place).

Medium-Term Fasting
Medium fasts (Between 28-42 days), although certainly possible, and frequently performed by dedicated fasters. The benefits of a 35 day fast are absolutely astonishing! Pounds will literaly melt away!

Fasting and Hunger Levels
The only challenge to fasting, and a challenge for many it is, is completing the first 1-5 days. During days 1-5 hunger levels can flucuate from average, to well above average many actually experience their greatest hunger on day 3. After day 3, hunger levels noticeably decrease. After day 5, hunger levels, and the "desire" for food in general (So strong initially), dramatically decrease. After day 10, hunger levels, for the most part, are non-existent.

Fasting and Energy Levels
During days 1-5, energy levels can flucuate from average to well below average (Feeling light headed, at times, is not uncommon). During days 5-10, energy levels very noticeably improve after day 10, with sharply elevated levels of both growth hormone, and ketone bodies, energy levels are tremendous, as is mental clarity.

Fasting and Weight Loss
Expect (in general) to lose 1 pound each day of fasting!

Fasting and Starvation
Contrary to what many people believe, fasting is not starvation. During the fast, the body is breaking down the non-essential tissue (Fat) for energy. While conserving essential tissue. Starvation, is the point where the body has used up all of its non-essential tissues (Reserves) ,and begins to break down its own essential tissues. This point (The point of starvation), even for the average individual (Of normal weight), takes quite some time to reach (Some 42 days or more).

Fasting and severely restrictive diets
Prolonged, severely restrictive diets are extremely unhealthy, in many cases, even life threatening. Unlike fasting, the body never completely enters ketosis (A fundamental process in sparing essential tissue from breaking down). The result, severely restrictive diets cause the body to lose a much greater percentage of lean body tissue (Essential tissue) than a complete fast. Over time (Once body reserves become dangerously low), lean body tissue (Essential tissue) eventually become used as an energy source. Prolonged, severely restrictive diets, are essentially just a slow form of starvation.

Fasting and Calorie Restriction
Calorie restricted (10-30%) diets are extremely healthy. Unlike severly restricted diets, the bodies energy (Food) needs are restricted just enough to result in sharply elevated levels of growth hormone, while eliminating the need to break down essential tissues.

Recommended Fasting Schedule
Definitely include short-term fasting (1-28 days) into your schedule. Your body will begin to literally "grow younger" before your eyes, especially, after day 10.

Discipline and Determination
Suppressing hunger (During days 1-5), one of life's greatest drives, is not easy for most! Eliminating food (During the fasting period), one of life's greatest pleasures, is not easy for most! However, those that have the discipline, and determination, wil have tremendous to extreme healthy benefits awaiting them!

No Pain No Gain
With the exceptions of days 1-5, particulary day 3, fasting is not nearly as difficult as one might imagine (In fact, after day 10, quite pleasurable). Remember too, exercise also associated with some degree of self sacrifice to promote health, pales in comparison to fasting in terms of health benefits. In fact, one could perform 1-3 annual (14-28) fasts, or calorie restrict (10-30%), never exercise again, and achieve a state of health that no form or amount of exercise could ever accomplish.

Remember Anas eat alot of ice it'll give you something to chew on and the cold will burn cals

if i keep losing weight...if i give up

Ana Creed:· Thin is beauty; therefore I must be thin, and remain thin, If I wish to be loved. Food is my ultimate enemy. I may look, and I may smell, but I may not touch!
· I must think about food every second of every minute of every hour of every day... and ways to avoid eating it.
· I must weigh myself, first thing, every morning, and keep that number in mind throughout the remainder of that day. Should that number be greater than it was the day before, I must fast that entire day.
· I shall not be tempted by the enemy (food), and I shall not give into temptation should it arise. Should I be in such a weakened state and I should cave, I will feel guilty and punish myself accordingly, for I have failed her.
· I will be thin, at all costs. It is the most important thing; nothing else matters.
· I will devote myself to Ana. She will be with me where ever I go, keeping me in line. No one else matters; she is the only one who cares about me and who understands me. I will honor Her and make Her proud.

Negative Calorie Fruits

Negative Calorie Fruits..

  • Apples
  • Apricot
  • Blueberries
  • Cantaloupe
  • Grapefruit
  • Honeydew
  • Limes
  • Lemons
  • Mango
  • Orange
  • Papaya
  • Peach
  • Pineapple
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Tangerines
  • Watermelon

ABC diet

results are seen within a week...


Ana Boot Camp or ABC diet is an extreme low calorie pro-anorexia diet normally lasting 50 days.
It contains 5 fast days during which the dieter is strictly not allowed to consume any calories. 
The rest of the days allow between 100-800 calories to take in. The chart below shows the outline of the diet.

The diet works on the basis that the body’s metabolism is being tricked by consuming a variable level of calories, so it won’t feel much hunger. Instead it goes into a defensive mode where the metabolism is slowed down to the minimum.

Who am i ?

My names Ella.

Living in dirty jersey, but cant complain.

i started this blog to talk about my life, goals, but mostly my weight...
and the problems i have that come along with it.
