Wednesday, November 7, 2012

May Issue of Cosmopolitan: 9 Foods That Melt Away Flab!

1. Eggs
Vitamin B12in the yolk helps your body torch fat. Plus, they are super filling and starve off binges.
2. Peanut Butter
Creamy or chunky, it’s a source of magnesium, which powers cells to metabolize energy. efficiently.
3. Avocado
It’s high in craving-quelling “good” fat and rich in L-carnitine, an amino acid that fires up your body’s engine.
4. Sirloin Burger
Made with 90% lean beaf, it’s like pure protein, which takes more energy to digest than fat or carbs.
5. Cheese
Conjugated linoleic acid in dairy helps your body burn fat. Go with a tangy, creamy kind that satisfies your palate.  
6. Pickles
A medium pickle is only 7 calories - you’ll burn more energy digesting this salty, crunchy veggie.
7. Green Tea
It’s teeming with catechins, antioxidants that studies show destroy body fat. Plus, caffeine gives your system a metabolic jump.
8. Yogurt
Regular and low-fat kinds have probiotics, bacteria that may reduce the amount of fat that your body absorbs.
9. Quinoa
Because your body works hard digesting this protein-packed whole grain, you burn off extra calories. 

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