Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2468 Diet - 10lbs per month

Not many have heard about the 2468 diet because most think it's too risky... but hear me out before you judge. 

There's a diet, commonly called 2468 where you eat 200 calories one day, 400 calories the next, 600 after that, and 800 for the last day, then the cycle repeats. 

The diet is used by most people who want to loose weight fast and who want to keep it off. The purpose of it is to keep your metabolism guessing because all it knows is what was consumed the day before and doesn't know what the future holds. 

Of course, like every other diet exercise must still be included. On average a person who abides by 2468 should loose 10 lbs per month. 

;Ok, so I think it is pretty obvious that when you restrict or fast your metabolism will tank. This is because your body thinks it is starving, doesn’t know when it will see food again, and hordes the few calories that you allow down your gullet. Therefore, mixing up your calorie intake will keep your body on its toes and not let your metabolic rate get too low. For that reason, I recommend the 2-4-6-8 diet or some variation of it. This plan takes 5 days to cycle through and looks something like this:

Day 1: 200 calorie intake
Day 2: 400 calorie intake
Day 3: 600 calorie intake
Day 4: 800 calorie intake
Day 5: 0 calorie intake (fast)
Some people do a 600-calorie maximum, and some do not fast. Taking the max from 800 to 600 will make your average metabolic rate lower, and cutting out the fast will not allow you to fully capitalize on the heightened metabolic rate that you’ll have after consuming 800 calories the previous day. Therefore, the standard 2-4-6-8 probably works the best. Some people even fast for 2 days at the end.

If you are trying to restrict, your maximum daily caloric intake should be 1000 or less.


  1. love this diet!! i try to go as long as possible but its harder then it seems.

  2. I'm on this diet now! Just finished a 400 cal day... Getting more energy as the days go on.

  3. What types of exercises would you recommend if you try this diet
