Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Get full, fast.

1)      Swallow two tablespoons of vinegar before each meal – You may not know it, but vinegar is designed to slow your metabolism. Gulp down two tablespoons before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and you’ll be full in no time. You simply won’t want to eat a lot. This is a top tip.
2)      Drink coffee regularly – Caffeine is one of the quickest and best ways to speed up your metabolism. If you drink at least three to five cups of coffee at day, you’ll find that you’re keeping your metabolism moving at an alarmingly high rate. As long as you don’t increase your caloric intake because of it, weight loss results will come fast. Remember that cream has excessive amounts of fat in it. Ladies on the pro ana  diets drink coffee black.
3)      Cut your food up – Several small pieces of food will digest much faster than one large piece. Imagine if you cooked a piece of meat, one big piece cooks much slower than several small pieces. Your metabolism works the same way can break your food down much faster when it’s cut up into much smaller pieces.
4)      Drink water instead of eating –  remember that water is a natural appetite suppressant. Drinking it will fill you up quickly, with a lack of calories and a full stomach, the end result is weight loss. If you’re looking to speed the process up a bit, drink ice cold water, since your body will have to work a bit harder to raise your body temperature.

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