Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Limiting what you eat at home & out

At home..
1. Stop eating pasta! It will bloat you and retain more water. Wheat expands in the stomach, resulting in you feeling hungry faster. Take cereal as an example if you let it sit in milk, or noodles when you cook them.
2. I personally love orange juice, but looking at the nutrition facts, there's more calories than you need. Tropicana came out with juice that's 50 calories per 8 fl oz. Orange juice is an example and Blueberry Pomegranate is delicious!
3.   5 calorie, sugar free jello. Cheap and good tasting.  
4.  Turn to fruit and veggies. I'm not a big veggie person so I cut up fruit and put it in the freezer for the next day, which is a GREAT snack.

At a restaurant..
When eating out, calories are instantly doubled, if not tripled!
what i do is...
1. Drink tons of water. This will leave less room in your stomach for that high calorie meal!
fun fact: drinking 8 cups of water each day burns 100 calories and boots your metabolism.
2. Push 1/2 of your meal to the side and ask the waiter to box it up, or ask them from the beginning. Resulting in dinner for tomorrow! 
3. Think about what you ate last time you went out (Chinese, hamburgers, fries) ..maybe you should have a salad or some lean grilled chicken.
Oftentimes salads at restaurants are some of the worst entrees on the menu!Avoid salads with fried chicken, lots of cheese, and ALWAYS ask for dressing on the side. Never get Ranch or Thousand Island dressing, unless you don't mind the calories.
5. Skip the dessert.
6. Look up the nutrition facts beforehand
7. Look for foods that are "grilled", "baked", "broiled" avoid fried, breaded, sauteed, creamy
8. Split an entree with a friend or order from appetizer/kids menu to downsize portions
9. Watch the condiments! most have a lot of fat, sugar, and/or calories
10.Look for dishes with vegetables or lean meats as the main parts
11. Water instead of soda
12. Order a side of salad instead of fries